We are green!

At César Iglesias, we are competitive, efficient and socially responsible in our operations.

We are committed to:

  • Act according to the laws and regulations for the conservation, protection, improvement, care of the environment and natural resources.

  • Certify and maintain our operations under the main national and international environmental regulations such as: ISO 14001 and Green Seal.

  • Encourage among our collaborators respect for our environment both inside and outside the workplace, training, communicating and promoting ecological activities.

  • Bet on renewable energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels in all our operations.

  • Reduce the carbon footprint of our operations, also including throughout our supply chain and the distribution of our products.

  • Maintain our production system based on the Circular Economy where we Reduce, Reuse and / or Recycle the waste generated, preventing it from returning to the environment in an inappropriate way.

  • Control noise levels in our operations, helping to maintain an acoustically healthy environment.

  • Audit our environmental initiatives, to ensure full compliance.

This Environmental Policy is communicated to all company personnel and is maintained at disposition of any person who requests it. The Management is committed to applying this policy and encourages all those who work in the company or for it, to collaborate in its application.